Blackstock is having Saturday Academy School this Saturday, March 9th from 8:00-12:15pm. Students are able to gain an attendance day and reading points. Please submit your signed parent consent form to the office.
8th grade visiting Channel Islands High School
La Escuela Secundaria Hueneme High School va organizar las siguientes noches para ayudarlos a registrar a su estudiante. A-González: lunes 25 de febrero, de 5 a 7 PM Granados-Ortiz: martes 26 de febrero, de 5 a 7 PM Osorio-Z: miércoles 27 de febrero, de 5 a 7 PM
Hueneme High School will be hosting the following family nights to help you register your student.Laptops will be available. A-Gonzalez: Monday, February 25th, 5-7PM Granados-Ortiz: Tues, February 26th, 5-7PM Osorio-Z: Wednesday, February 27, 5-7PM
Good evening Blackstock families. This is a friendly reminder that report cards will go home on March 15th. Your student has time to push grade marks up. They must complete all missing assignments and tests or quizzes. Your student needs to accomplish his/her Trimester 2 reading goal. Thank you for encouraging your child to improve his grade marks and to reach the Accelerated Reading goal.
Blackstock school resumes classes tomorrow Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
La escuela de Blackstock reanuda sus clases mañana martes 19 de febrero de 2019.
Blackstock families,
Please remember to visit the website and login to Parent Connect to check your child’s grade marks, missing assignments and attendance. Students should be studying and reviewing class notes for upcoming tests and quizzes. All students need to read everyday. Thank you for supporting your student’s academic success.
OHS band, choir, mariachi performed at lunchtime. Great performance. Thank you ASB for organizing this great event.
Panther Staff actively engaged in CPR training organized by Nurse O’Leary
BJHS is proud of our Counselors !!!
Happy National Counseling Week !!!
Grade 6 teams actively involved in science experiment with VCOE Science Coordinator Nathan Inouye
Cafe con Leche
Blackstock tendrá Escuela Sabatina este sábado, Febrero 9 de 8:00-12:15pm. Los alumnos recuperan un día de asistencia y ganan puntos de lectura. Favor de entregar a la oficina su forma de consentimiento firmada.
Blackstock is having Saturday Academy School this Saturday, February 9th from 8:00-12:15pm. Students are able to gain an attendance day and reading points. Please submit your signed parent consent form to the office.
Mañana jueves Blackstock tendrá la junta “Cafe con Leche”. Será de 9:00-10:00 de la mañana en el salón 31. Habrá cuidado de niños, pan dulce y café. Favor de acompañarnos!
Tomorrow Thursday Blackstock is holding the parent meeting “Coffee Talks”. It will take place from 9:00-10:00 am in room 31. Child care, sweet bread and coffee available. Please join us!
Blackstock is having Saturday School Academy this coming Saturday, February 9th. This is a perfect free opportunity to gain an attendance day and earn reading points. Please submit your parent consent form to the office.
Students engage discussion and collaboration in a hands on history activity.
Blackstock students engage in science and engineering practices as they collaborate in the construction of a wave machine.
Reminder: Early Release Friday-Feb. 1st at 11:52 a.m. for all students in all grades.