AMAZING Day a WEB camp for incoming 6th graders! Outstanding way to start off the 2019-2020 school year! Great work by staff members, 8th grade WEB Leaders and 6th graders! Great job everyone!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
WEB Camp
WEB Camp
WEB Camp
WEB Camp
Mrs.Ontiveros and Mrs. McCabe rocking it at WEB
over 5 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Mrs. Ontiveros and Mrs. McCabe rocking it at WEB
Blackstock WEB
Three great days of orientation! 1263 students passed through orientation this week! Super job by students, families and Blackstock staff! Looking forward to a great 2019-2020 school year!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Awesome 8th graders being led by the incredible Ms. Ontiveros and Ms. McCabe getting WEB trained and ready to meet our incoming 6th graders! Great job everyone!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
WEB training
WEB training
WEB training
A successful first day of orientation .
over 5 years ago, Irma Melgoza-Vasquez
Padres y miembros de la comunidad, recuerden que la orientación estudiantil comienza el martes 20 de agosto de 12:30 pm a 5:45 pm. El miércoles 21 de agosto de 3:00 pm a 7:30 de la tarde y el jueves 22 de agosto de 12:30 pm a 5:45 de la tarde. Por favor recuerde que su estudiante debe estar presente con usted. Traiga todos los formularios completos y la documentación requerida.
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Parents and community members, reminder that student orientation begins Tuesday, August 20, 12:30 pm-5:45 pm, Wednesday, August 21, 3:00 pm -7:30 pm and Thursday August 22, 12:30 pm -5:45 pm. Please remember student should be present with you. Please bring all documents and required paperwork completed.
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Padres y miembros de la comunidad, recuerden que la orientación estudiantil comienza el martes 20 de agosto de 12:30 pm a 5:45 pm. El miércoles 21 de agosto de 3:00 pm a 7:30 de la tarde y el jueves 22 de agosto de 12:30 pm a 5:45 de la tarde. Por favor recuerde que su estudiante debe estar presente con usted. Traiga todos los formularios completos y la documentación requerida.
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Parents and community members, student orientation begins Tuesday, August 20, 12:30 pm-5:45 pm, Wednesday, August 21, 3:00 pm-7:30 pm and Thursday August 22, 12:30 pm-5:45 pm. Student should be present, please bring all documents and required paperwork completed.
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Wrapping up Blackstock's new shade structure! Thanks to the everyone who helped us complete it!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Shade structure
Shade structure
Blackstock teachers working hard with new Science materials
over 5 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Exploring new science materials
Blackstock teachers collaborating with Science Pilot
Shade structure construction is coming along and should be ready for the start of school!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Shade structure
Shade structure
Hola familias de Blackstock...manana tendremos nuestro Cafe con Leche distribucion de comida FoodShare a las 10:00 de la manana afuera del salon #31. Espero verte alli.
over 5 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Hello Blackstock Families...Tomorrow we will be holding our Cafe con Leche FoodShare distribution at 10:00 outside of room 31-hope to see you there.
over 5 years ago, Assistant Principal Padilla
Blackstock shade structure construction as begun!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
Blackstock Shade Structure getting started!
Blackstock shade structure in progress!
Congratulations to the Blackstock class of 2019!
over 5 years ago, Thomas Beneke
grad pic
Los estudiantes saldrán a las 11:52 a.m. No se permiten mochilas/patinetas. Kona Ice se venderá al final del dia por un precio de $3 o $5. Estudiantes del 7 grado interesados ​​en el viaje de Washington DC de 2020, deben entregar su hoja de información a la sala 32 mañana.
over 5 years ago, Blackstock Jr. High School
Students will be dismissed at 11:52 a.m. No backpacks/skateboards permitted on campus. Kona Ice will be sold at the end of school for a price of $3 or $5. 7th gr. students interested in the 2020 Washington D.C. trip your information slip must be turned in to Room 32 tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Blackstock Jr. High School
Good evening Blackstock families, the promoting 8th-grade students must arrive to campus by 8:00 am. The student entrance will close at 8:30 am. Doors open at 8:30 am for parents attending the promotion ceremony. Gates close at 9:00 am. Gates will reopen following the National Anthem. All 6th, 7th, and non-promoting 8th-grade students need to arrive to school at 11:00 am. No Backpacks, please. All students will be dismissed at 2:35 pm.
over 5 years ago, Irma Melgoza-Vasquez
Buenas noches familias de Blackstock, los estudiantes del 8º grado que se promocionan deben llegar a la escuel a las 8:00 am. La entrada para los estudiantes se cerrará a las 8:30 am. Las puertas se abren a las 8:30 am para los padres que asistiran a la ceremonia de promoción. Las puertas se cierran a las 9:00 am y se reabrirán despues del Himno Nacional. Todos los estudiantes del 6º, 7º y alumnos del 8º grado que no son promovidos deven llegar a la escuela a las 11:00 am. No mochilas por favor.
over 5 years ago, Irma Melgoza-Vasquez