Blackstock Mariachi sharing their incredible musical talents at the school board meeting! Great job from students with support from their families and community! Thank you for your commitment to promoting the arts, culture and our school! Great job students and staff!

WEB leaders and teachers did an amazing job sharing their excitement about the WEB program connecting 8th graders with our 6th graders! We are very proud of the tremendously positive impact they have had on our campus! Great job everyone!

ASES students learning, having fun and enjoying their time at cooking class! Great job students and staff!

Blackstock students and staff had an exciting day of learning and engineering at the Tri-Warfare Middle School Challenge 2020 and touring the Air National Guard Center! Great job students and staff!

Familias de Blackstock, recordatorio de que Blackstock permanecerá cerrado, mañana, lunes 17 de febrero de 2020, en reconocimiento del feriado al Día de los Presidentes. La escuela reanudará las clases regulares programadas, el martes 18 de febrero.

Blackstock families, we would like you to know that Blackstock will be closed, tomorrow, Monday, February 17, 2020 in recognition of the Presidents Day Holiday. School will resume regular scheduled classes, Tuesday, February 18th.

Familias de Blackstock, nos gustaría informarles que Blackstock estará cerrada el viernes 14 el lunes 17 de febrero de 2020 en reconocimiento del Día de los Presidentes. La escuela reanudará las clases regulares programadas, el martes 18 de febrero.

Blackstock families, we would like you to know that Blackstock will be closed, Friday, February 14, and Monday, February 17, 2020 in recognition of the Presidents Day Holiday. School will resume regular scheduled classes, Tuesday, February 18th.

Padres y miembros de la comunidad de Blackstock, esta es una invitación amistosa y un recordatorio de que tendremos nuestra reunión mensual de Cafe Con Leche este jueves 9 de febrero del 2020 de 9 a 10 a.m. La distribución de productos de Food Share tendrá lugar inmediatamente después de la reunión. Como de costumbre, tendremos pan, café y cuidado de niños gratis. Después de la reunión, nuestras consejeras, administradores y presentadores estarán disponibles para responder sus preguntas y discutir sus inquietudes. Gracias y buenas noches.

Blackstock parents and community members, this is a friendly invitation and reminder that we will be holding our monthly Coffee Talk meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2020 2020 from 9 - 10 a.m. The Food Share produce distribution will take place immediately after the meeting. As usual, we will have free pastries, coffee, and childcare available. After the meeting, our counselors, administrators, and presenters will be available to answer your questions and discuss your concerns. We look forward to seeing tomorrow!

Congratulations to the players and coach of our A basketball team who won 1st place in their division! last night! Outstanding effort by all!

Blackstock padres y miembros de la comunidad, nos gustaría informarles que tendremos nuestro primer de salida temprana, mañana, viernes 31 de enero. El horario escolar será de 8:40 a.m. a 11:52 a.m.

Blackstock parents and community members, reminder that we will have an Early Release Friday, tomorrow, Friday, January 31. School hours will be 8:40am-11:52am.

Students and staff learning and growing at Oxnard High's STEAM Day last weekend!

Blackstock padres y miembros de la comunidad, nos gustaría informarles que tendremos nuestro primer de salida temprana, este viernes 31 de enero. El horario escolar será de 8:40 a.m. a 11:52 a.m.

Blackstock families, we would like you to know that we will have an Early Release Friday, this Friday, January 31. School hours will be 8:40am-11:52am.

Padres y miembros de la comunidad de Blackstock, Clases de inglés para adultos inglés (ESL) para las familias de estudiantes de HESD GRATIS! Martes, 28 de Enero, 2020 (registración) Clases Comenzarán el 28 de ENERO 2020 Hasta el 2 de Abril 2020. Martes y jueves 6:00pm – 7:30pm Escuela Blackstock, Salón 31 Si usted está interesado, por favor regístrese directamente en el salón 31 a las 6:00 p.m. en el primer día de clase para inscribirse. Habrá cuidado de niños solamente para hijos de los participantes. Los niños deberían ser mayores de 3 años y que no usen pañales. Para más información, comuníquese con: David Castellano (805) 488-3588

Padres y miembros de la comunidad de Blackstock, nos gustaría que este enterado que las boletas de calificaciones del segundo trimestre se enviarán a casa con sus estudiantes el viernes 24 de enero. Aproveche la oportunidad de revisar esta importante información con su estudiante. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda con respecto al informe de progreso, no dude en llamar a Blackstock para obtener más información. 805-488-3644

Blackstock parents and community members, we would like you to be aware that Second-trimester progress report cards will be sent home with your students on Friday, January 24th. Please take the opportunity to review this important information with your students. If you have any questions or need any assistance regarding the progress report card please do not hesitate to call Blackstock for more information. 805-488-3644

Blackstock parents and community members, space is now available in our FREE after school program, ASES, for all students 6-8 Monday through Friday, 3:00pm-6:00pm. Students must attend at least 3 days each week and may leave for sports practices or other activities. Enrollment packets can be picked up in the school office!